Our online gallery offers a curated selection of original artwork for sale.
Connect with independent artists and dive deep into the world of imagination!
Our online gallery offers a curated selection of original artwork for sale.
Connect with independent artists and dive deep into the world of imagination!
Embark on a journey where every stroke tells a story, and every creation is a masterpiece waiting to adorn your life.
contemporary paintings
A world of original artworks, curated with passion and precision by Karola July:
Behind the canvas
Meet the artists who contribute to HDAPPE

Art therapy for all ages
Use art to express yourself, reduce stress, and improve your mental well-being.
the latest paintings:
Street artist / mural painter for hire!
Are you looking for some amazing mural and street artists to brighten up your space with a stunning piece of art?
Look no further! We have the perfect artists for the job, based right here in Switzerland.